Cuban Paradises

The term “latency” refers to the time it takes for your computer and everything else to respond after you complete actions like clicking a link. While this isn’t a problem for the majority of users’ Spotify listening and video streaming, it could cause problems for gamers who are using satellite internet. Satellite internet works more precisely than wired connections. It may also cause poor gaming performance due to excessive loss of packets caused by lengthy pings.

Latency is the difference between how your input feels (in this instance, an anchor) and the speed at which it gets delivered to others. This is a major issue when you play online video games or playing YouTube videos. It could affect the responsiveness of your device due to the fact that things might not be as precise as they should be.

What’s the reason for the latency?

Gamers and End-users can experience problems with latency. Latency can be affected by factors such as distance between you (and the server) and other variables like Wi-Fi speed or the type of internet connection. It could also be contingent on the type of router/modem combination one uses – there are lots out there these days! It doesn’t have to be complicated if you find it confusing initially. We’ll explain every part of the process below.


The duration of latency is the time it takes for information to move from one point in space. In this instance we’re referring to how far your system is from the server(s) provide the information requested by that machine so if that’s not sufficiently distant, then there’ll be an increase in Latency.

Propagation Delay

One of the most crucial factors in determining how much the latency you experience when surfing on your computer or mobile device is referred to as “propagation delay.” It’s simple to see this as one aspect, but it affects every other measurement for connectivity speed and bandwidth that we take into consideration, such as download speeds (because those rely on getting data packets back from where they’re being sent), uploads which depend on the network’s interface card. The same applies for wireless connections too.

Different types of Internet connections

There is a distinct distinction in the latency for various internet connections. Cable, DSL, and fiber have lower latency while satellite is more sluggish due to its architectural structure that requires greater physical space for transmission which results in more wait times as well in a higher buffering capacity on sites you would like access to such as video or audio files.

What’s on a website?

Have you ever clicked a link and waited several minutes to see the site load? This was due to them trying to create their Angelfire page look good. They had glued The Office memes all over it, and so every visit to the page is longer than usual.

Your browser needs to download massive files, like videos, or HD images, whenever you visit a website. You may experience some latency in the event that the files are stored on a different server from the site you are currently browsing.

For more information, click high latency

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